

2019-08-20 10:57:13 jw zhou 313


61 st Annual Logging Symposium

Banff, Canada • June 20 - 24, 2020

The SPWLA Board of Directors invites you to join us at the Fairmont Banff Springs in Alberta,

next June 20-24, 2020 to showcase your case studies, new technologies and innovations at the

61 st Annual Logging Symposium. We are soliciting papers in the following categories;

•  New Borehole Logging Technology

•  Advances in Machine Learning

•  Deep Water Reservoir Analysis

•  Petrophysics in Brownfields

•  Case Studies

•  Formation Evaluation Behind Casing

•  Completion Petrophysics and Reservoir Surveillance

•  Formation Evaluation of Conventional Reservoirs

•  Formation Evaluation of Unconventional Reservoirs

Abstracts must be submitted no later than Sunday 27 th October 2019 via online submission at


The information contained in your abstract is the basis for the acceptance of your paper into

the technical program. Your abstract should contain 200-500 words. Do not feel obligated to

use the full allocated length. Our members look for papers containing strong technical and

innovative content. We ask you to refrain from commercialism and focus on the promotion of

petrophysics and formation evaluation. Your submitted abstract needs to be the same as the

abstract published in your paper. Before submitting you must agree to meet all deadlines.

Notification of acceptance will be made in December 2019. If selected, your abstract will be

published online on the Symposium’s website in March 2020. You will be required to submit a

draft manuscript for the Symposium transactions by 12th April, and your final by 3rd May 2020.

Any paper not submitted in finalized format by then shall be removed. After submitting, you

shall work with two members of the Technical Committee for a review of the manuscript to

ensure clarity and to avoid commercialism. For questions, please contact Stephanie Turner at

SPWLA, Ph. (+1) 713-947-8727, or email stephanie@spwla.org.

We look forward to reviewing your abstracts!

Best Regards, 

Michael O’Keefe

Vice-President Technology

International Board of Directors 2019-2020.
