
SPWLA Southwest China Chapter Workshop and the celebration of the Chinese 80th Anniversary of Well Logging

2020-02-03 17:58:02 administrator 77

Chongqing on January 4th, 2020, the SPWLA Southwest China Chapter workshop was held . The workshop was hosted by SPWLA Southwest China Chapter, organized by Chongqing University of Science and Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil and Gas field Company Chongqing Gas Mine, and co-organized by the University of Electronic Science and Technology, Southwest Petroleum University and Chengdu University of Technology. All executive members of the chapter, staffs and students from the Chongqing University of Science and Technology, CNPC Logging Southwest branch, and Chongqing Gas Production Plant attended the workshop.

Professor Fuqiang Lai, director of the Institute of Petroleum Geology at the Chongqing University of Science and Technology chaired the workshop. Professor Hua Wang at the University of Electronic Science and Technology, chairman of SPWLA Southwest China Chapter delivered an opening keynote speech on the development of logging technology worldwide and those in China over the past 80 years. Professor Wende Yan, vice dean of the School of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering at the Chongqing University of Science and Technology delivered a welcome speech and introduced the history, education and research situation of the school. During the technical session, the invited experts and scholars delivered presentations on the topics of rock physics, logging and reservoir engineering. They shared the latest research progress and application results and had animated discussions with the participants

During the Chongqing time, in order to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the first well-logging event in China, SPWLA Southwest China Chapter organized the participants to visit the ‘Logging Culture Exhibition Hall’ at Chongqing Gas Production Plant and the ‘Ba-1’ well site at Shiyougou——the birthplace of the well-logging in China. All the participants not only felt inspired by the history of the well-logging in China but also were motivated to further develop and promote the logging technology in their career.



Professor Wende Yan, vice dean of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering College at the Chongqing University of Science and Technology delivered a welcome speech



Professor Hua Wang, chairman of SPWLA Southwest China Chapter, introducing the history and development of logging technology worldwide over the past 8 decades



Executive members of the SPWLA Southwest China Chapter visited the ‘Ba-1’ well site——the first well logging site in China back in 1939


Executive members of the SPWLA Southwest China Chapter visited the culture exhibition hall at Chongqing Gas and Mineral Enterprise